Monday, March 12, 2012

infinity love.

no matter how happy you wish you can be,
there's always undesirable dark approach you.
though, life goes on without any hesitation.

so, walk on your life with joy instead of tears.
you can cry because you're hurt,
but remember to wipe off proudly,
because you're strong and brave enough to accept the challenges.

the truth is always cruel enough to dump you into a deep black hole.
you might can't see any light, any hope even you feel like dying.
but, remember to think about your beloved family, your friends.
they're always there to lend their hands and shoulders.
they're will stay beside you,
because they love you and you love them. <3

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

tiring, yet beauty...

tiring week passed...
but, it doesn't mean that relaxing time is approaching...

it means...
HEY, your more and more tiring yet challenging semester will commence next monday...
bloody hell~

holidays end. classes start very very soon.
challenge accepted.
had warming up the engine.
so, i hope we are prepared for the busy semester.
full with lectures, tutorials, practicals, exams, and presentations (the most scary part, for me)

let's pray hard for the new start.
happy schooling again.

Monday, February 6, 2012


不要说话 我们只要拥抱
无言无语 心声无处可逃
一刻的拥抱 一生的拥抱
花花世界 我们拥有的很少
只有感觉 才能回味到老
一刻的拥抱 一生的拥抱
生日快乐 同学来个熊抱
情人撒娇 要的是个怀抱
朋友失恋 哭得像个宝宝
要你抱抱我 抱抱我
没事好做 把手放在谁的腰
亲密关系 也是一种礼貌
有种必需 便利店买不到
要你抱抱我 抱抱我
在每一个难忘的时候 Let us Hug!
我需要 需要一个拥抱
放开了双手 放开了烦恼
还有我需要 看见你们拥抱
空气里的爱 我要感觉到
一刻的拥抱 一生的拥抱
一刻的拥抱 一生的拥抱
生日快乐 同学来个熊抱
情人撒娇 要的是个怀抱
朋友失恋 哭得像个宝宝
要你抱抱我 抱抱我
没事好做 把手放在谁的腰
亲密关系 也是一种礼貌
有种必需 便利店买不到
要你抱抱我 抱抱我
在每一个难忘的时候 Let us Hug!
我需要 需要一个拥抱
放开了双手 得到了美好
还有我需要 看见你们拥抱
空气里的爱 我要感觉到
一刻的拥抱 一生的拥抱
一刻的拥抱 一生的拥抱
在每一个难忘的时候 Let us Hug!
我需要 需要一个拥抱
放开了双手 得到了美好
还有我需要 看见你们拥抱
空气里的爱 我要感觉到

Saturday, January 28, 2012

the bond.

it says cheese.
and welcome the dragon year.

i wonder, 
how the photos gonna look like after 10 years. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

joy and good fortune.

time flies without any notification.
so, appreciate every single time with all your beloved.
treasure all the memories.
and, share all your laughter.

hesitation makes time getting shorter.
so, do what you think you want.
and enjoy your beautiful life.

everyone deserved to enjoy their life.
there are still many of them suffering outside.

had a thought of sponsoring a child after i joined famine hour.
plan delayed because have no idea where to apply.
received a letter from world vision yesterday.
i think it's time to make this plan work.

Monday, January 9, 2012

A book with my name.

150 cm life.
Definitely my book.

This is only the first chapter.
See how great the life of 150cm. LOL
My very first time to be proud of being 150cm. =D

Friday, January 6, 2012


the weather remind me about this song...=')